Foto: Fabian Wilking

Ste­fa­nie Sil­ber
Do­cu­men­ta­ry Pho­to­gra­phy


+49-174-334 30 36

Knor­restr. 7 im Hof
20099 Ham­burg


»It is hard to stop you pho­to­gra­phing« a teacher once said. This de­di­ca­ti­on also hel­ped her to fight her­s­elf back into life af­ter a working ac­ci­dent 2016 on an as­si­gn­ment for Frank­fur­ter All­ge­mei­ne Zei­tung, when li­te­r­al­ly from one step to the other ever­y­thing was dif­fe­rent. Fal­ling into not­hing, alt­hough sa­ving her­s­elf with her right hand, nee­ded trau­ma work and fight­ing for this hand, be­gin­ning with ele­ven weeks in a spe­cial hos­pi­tal, do­cu­men­ted un­con­scious­ly with her mo­bi­le pho­ne. »I want to pho­to­graph again« has been her dai­ly man­tra. It worked.


Ste­fa­nie Sil­ber

is a Ger­man do­cu­men­ta­ry pho­to­gra­pher. Her work is of­ten cap­tu­ring is­su­es like trau­ma, lo­ne­li­ness and li­ving with life long grief. Born 1975, she star­ted stu­dy­ing Pho­to­jour­na­lism in Ha­no­ver, Ger­ma­ny, with 39 ye­ars, li­ving her dream af­ter 10  ye­ars  working as a gra­phic de­si­gner and gra­dua­te en­gi­neer af­ter an app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a book­sel­ler. She has been teaching un­der­ta­kers in gra­phic de­sign and pho­to­gra­phy, sin­ce 2020 also about sup­porting fa­mi­lies with still­born ba­bies.

Ian Par­ry Scho­lar­ship »Spe­cial Award« 2020, Eras­mus in Bel­fast/Nort­hern Ire­land 2019/20 (»How long is fo­re­ver« – Fa­mi­lies with a chil­d’s loss be­cau­se of the Nort­hern Ire­land Con­flict), Ni­kon Am­bas­sa­dors Mas­ter­class 2019, BFF Grant »Spe­cial Ack­now­led­ge­ment for So­ci­al De­di­ca­ti­on in Pho­to­gra­phy« 2018, se­veral group ex­hi­bi­ti­ons and award no­mi­na­ti­ons. Sin­ce 2015 her stu­dies are sup­por­ted by scho­lar­ships of the sta­te Lo­wer Sa­x­o­ny and WIR/Ger­ma­ny scho­lar­ship.